Authentication Penalty ====================== Dovecot anvil process tracks authentication penalties for different IPs to slow down brute force login attempts. The algorithm works by: * First auth failure reply will be delayed for 2 seconds (this happens even without auth penalty) * 'AUTH_PENALTY_INIT_SECS' in 'src/auth/auth-penalty.h' * The delay will be doubled for 4 -> 8 seconds, and then the upper limit of 15 seconds is reached. * 'AUTH_PENALTY_MAX_SECS' and AUTH_PENALTY_MAX_PENALTY in 'src/auth/auth-penalty.h' * If the IP is in login_trusted_networks (e.g. webmail), skip any authentication penalties * If the username+password combination is the same as one of the last 10 login attempts, skip increasing authentication penalty. * 'CHECKSUM_VALUE_PTR_COUNT' in 'src/anvil/penalty.c' * The idea is that if a user has simply configured the password wrong, it shouldn't keep increasing the delay. * The username+password is tracked as the CRC32 of them, so there is a small possibility of hash collisions Problems: * It is still possible to do multiple auth lookups from the same IP in parallel. * For IPv6 it currently blocks the entire /48 block, which may or may not be what is wanted. * PENALTY_IPV6_MASK_BITS in auth-penalty.c Authentication penalty tracking can be disabled completely with: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- service anvil { unix_listener anvil-auth-penalty { mode = 0 } } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also you can have similar functionality with fail2ban []. (This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)