Pigeonhole IMAP FILTER=SIEVE Plugin =================================== Normally, Sieve filters can either be applied at initial mail delivery or triggered by certain events in the Internet Message Access Protocol ('IMAPSIEVE';RFC 6785 [http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6785]). The user can configure which Sieve scripts to run at these instances, but it is not possible to trigger the execution of Sieve scripts manually. However, this could be very useful; e.g, to test new Sieve rules and to re-filter messages that were erroneously handled by an earlier version of the Sieve scripts involved. provides the 'imap_filter_sieve' plugin, which provides a vendor-defined IMAP extension called 'FILTER=SIEVE'. This adds a new 'FILTER' command that allows applying a mail filter (a Sieve script) on a set of messages that match the specified IMAP searching criteria. The latest draft of the specification for this IMAP capability is available here [https://github.com/dovecot/pigeonhole/blob/master/doc/rfc/draft-bosch-imap-filter-sieve-00.txt]. This plugin is experimental and the specification is likely to change. Use the specification included in your current release to obtain the matching specification for your release. This plugin is available for v0.4.24 and higher (available for Dovecot v2.2.36), and v0.5.2 and higher (available for Dovecot v2.3.2). The plugins are included in the Pigeonhole package and are therefore implicitly compiled and installed with Pigeonhole itself. Configuration ------------- The IMAP FILTER Sieve plugin is activated by adding it to the mail_plugins setting for the imap protocol: ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- protocol imap { mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_filter_sieve } ---%<------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that enabling this plugin allows users to specify the Sieve script content as a parameter to the FILTER command, not just run existing stored scripts. Currently, no other settings specific to this plugin are defined. It uses the normal configuration settings used by the LDA Sieve plugin at delivery. The sieve_before and sieve_after scripts are currently ignored by this plugin. (This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)